28 June 2008


Before I'll occupy my time investigating about a strange conspiracy, I find to be a good training to investigate about nuclear plan in Italy.

Stated at "La Repubblica", 2008 March 17, Edison group has a ready-to-start nuclear plane, within the aim to reduce CO2 emissions to join UE directives. Now The Edison group is a corporation with participation from Italy and France holding and financial groups. Till 2008 March 17, Edison's shareholder are :
  - EDF 19,4%
  - Transalpina di Energia Srl 61,3%
  - Carlo Tassara Spa 10%
  - other/minor 9,3%

The Carlo Tassara Spa, was in the beginning a steel industry (1865), became a holding in the late '70 (1979), controlling Montedison at the beginning of the new millenium (2001).

Actually Carlo Tassara Spa participate in :
  - Mittel spa 20.119% :: holding dealing with private equity and estate investiments. It controlls : Mittel / Generale Investimenti Spa / Mittel Investimenti Immobiliari Srl / Mittel Partecipazioni Stabili Srl (the latest possessed participation in Banca Itesa)
  - Metalcam spa 48%
  - Mediobanca 2.206%
  - Assicurazioni Generali 2.273%
  - Intesa San Paolo 5.897%
  - Edison 11.094%
  - ASM Brescia 2.857%
  - UBI Banca 2.282%
  - Monte dei Paschi di Siena 2.002%
  - Telecom Italia 1,9%
  - VINCI 2% :: the world's leader group in construction

Since the major Edison's partner, Transalpina di Energia Srl (61%), is controlled by Électricité de France (EDF) and Delmi and since participations in Delmi are:
  - A2A 51% :: Milan and Brescia multiutility
  - Enia 15% :: Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia multiutility
  - Sel 10% :: Bolzano multiutility
  - Dolomiti Energia :: Trento multiutility
  - Mediobanca 6%
  - Cassa di Risparmio di Torino 5%
  - Banca Popolare di Milano 3%

Mediobanca recurses and inside its shareholder we find
  - Unicredit Banca 9%
  - Carlo Tassara Spa 2%
  - Mediolanum 3%
  - Fininvest group 2% - Berlusconi's family
  - Benetton group 2% - Benetton's tamily
Fininvest posses 35.130% of Mediolanum and it is at the edge of its administration.

Till now, maybe that the president of Italian parliament Berlusconi has some economical interests in the italian nuclear plane. Don't you think?

Good luck.

23 June 2008


According to those theorizations which wants the existence of a plane of global enslavement, acting through the media washing-machine for your brain, wikipedia possesses the requirements to be the tool to make human stupid.

Think about this, whenever you want enter rapid and short knowledge, you will use super wiki... she's a small wonder!!! Wiki is a referee-free public review, everyone can write what's in his opinion, it is intelligible (equals no culture required, no knowledge required, no historical hints required... so I would become a nazi, all I have to do is to open wiki and digit Hitler), istitutions and authorities acknowledge its value by means of poor limbs of information, nobody calls it into question. Wiki is becoming bit-to-bit the global knowledge.

"State Denies Knowledge", "Economy Denies Knowledge", "Everything Denies Knowledge" it was persuading me by means of a reflection about basic school's teaching in my country. 15 years ago, I found teaching spare, flowery, dogmatic, partisan and letting us think about a plane. A strange plane acting through sloth. I found that it was slothing us.
Genius, what's the meaning of genius. Now you become a genius when your behavior become perfect inside the rules they told you. When you have a A++ to your evaluation. When you say the words making anyone clapping you happy. But you, genius, don't think about what you certainly reed - "He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future." - at the day of today, you don't think about it as it seems a prophecy by Orwell. You don't kick all this, cause they set you happy. When you speak about anything in your work you use that distance letting you feel free from guilt. So if you work for a corporate, then it never mind this corporate acts pork-barrely. Never mind! You just think about your genius, conscious you absorb all your knowledge by the corporate and you'll never come back. Get a life... he is really a genius!!!

Wiki controls the present, so it controls the past in that way I said. Ergo, the word to the wise is clear. The high risk comes from the fact began through tv, about the knowledge by use of spot. O'er the culture, man is a knowledge absorber, so if your known is imperfect, not correct and false you never will be able to invert the process, becoming same as your knowledge. Trace the truth becomes an hard task and since truth makes you free, you'll never be free.
And when a man can not feel himself free, he is a slave. If all human can't feel free, they are globally enslaved. Simple equation, right the consequence... Don't you think!?!?

Big brother is glad to see youuu...
so am I!!!

21 June 2008


Another time aStrangeRing is changing skin. The blog which first was a blog about Physics, then the blog of my band Spjral, now become my homepage. There are simple reasons to that: I haven't time to spend to manage different sites, at this I'm creating this one and the Spjral band WebDom; I'd like expand my reflections to something over the Physics. Every change is a regeneration, sincerely hoping this is the final cut of the opera.

This evening I've watched an interesting documentary about the power of the bank... great way to pass Friday night... don't you think??? Well, missing out the fact it is in the same context at the end criticized, I've found it very very interesting. I don't believe it will happen as soon as possible, neither I think that the final stage of the evil plane will succeed, cause the story is always the same. One nation or Govern or King or other will decide to be the one in the known world and then empire falls. It happened for all the empires of the story. So I don't care about it. Next days I'll replay the video looking for some ideas... so now why don't you watch it???

It's just a ride...

Good luck!